Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ecstasy (Ex)

Ecstasy is a party drug that causes euphoria and a sense of wanting to fuck everything that moves or has fur. It can usually be found at concerts and at gay bars. It takes about an hour to kick in and the effects last about 4 hours. Men like to by ex for women in an attempt to have sex with them. It sometimes works.
Some people like to candy flip by taking acid with ex, some say the effects are better because the ex eases them into their trip. Ex can be dangerous so please be responsible. The common dosage is 2 pills. The common pricing is 10-20 dollars a pill. Ex sometimes contains meth, coke, and heroine.


  1. the text on this blog is a little hard to read, could i suggest maybe changing it?

    on a side note..ive taken E before and it is definitely a memorable experience. so much happiness in such a small pil!!

  2. Ohhhh good times. Goooood times.

  3. one of the pills has a harry potter logo on it ahah

  4. Nothing against drugs or people who use them but the issue remains that drug aeducation is poor and the real risks are unaware by most people. Oh well, everything in mmoderation I suppose. Following.

  5. Keep in mind that addiction and physical harm that comes from drugs can often destroy a person's life. Just be careful and be smart. :D

  6. Great post! Nice blog as a whole!

  7. Hell yes. Hella hard to get right now (

  8. I have never tried ex, dont think I will...prob going to stick to weed.

  9. i suport this bl0g for sure im down with these subjects lol
